'Tis the season! December is, by far, my favorite month of the year. Things just seem to be so happy all of the time. Even when, in the past, I was "depressed" or down, during December, as I look back on those moments, I was happy even then. Today was a productive day. I had class and a quiz (letting me leave early), then I went around the town for a little bit getting quite a bit of Christmas shopping done (at least what I think the most important shopping for me to get done was). Afterward, I came home and relaxed for a little bit and then went to putting the Christmas lights up and spent the rest of the day enjoying the fact that it is December. Today's song was chosen because I was watching Jingle All The Way (which is, by the way, a great movie). So enjoy: Turbo Man Theme Song by Brian Setzer.
(I chose the picture because the epic-ness of it matches the epic-ness of the song.)
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